
Monday, 16 March 2015

My book blog is in Newbooks Magazine!

I've really looked forward to the moment each time a new edition of Newbooks Magazine  - for readers and reading groups - arrives in the post over the past few years since I have been subscribing to it, and I have had the chance to read and review some lovely books for them too, as well as attend a brilliant 'Readers Day' that they put on. 

If you haven't given it a read as yet, I'd definitely recommend it, it's a great way to find out about new books, I've discovered quite a few debut authors over the years through reading about them in the magazine, and there's also lots of book reviews and other bookish articles of interest, as well as some extracts from new books. It has a compact new look and the presentation looks better than ever too. I love having a magazine all about books! Last year, Newbooks teamed up with nudge books which offers a great selection of online content about books, including reviews and news. This has enabled Newbooks to continue offering their lovely paper magazine in tandem with all the online content on the nudge website  Do have a look at both if you can! 

Warning: beware the inevitable numerous additions to the to be read pile though....!

So, it was an honour for me when I was invited to feature in the magazine, spotlighting this very blog The Little Reader Library

The new issue nb84 Spring 2015 is just out and I was really excited and proud and happy  and nervous to be featured. 

Thank you very much to Guy Pringle at newbooks for the opportunity and thank you to Claire King for permission to feature parts of an interview with her. 

Josie at the lovely JaffaReadsToo book blog was featured in the previous issue, do check out her blog too. 


  1. Congratulations - so exciting!!

  2. Wonderful Lynz. O had a subscription when it was newbooks pre nudge. It must have expired. Well done on the feature, this is a great wee blog and deserves the coverage xxx


    1. Thanks Lainy that's really nice of you :) Are you going to resubscribe? x

  3. Congratulations! That's so exciting and just great.

  4. so exciting for you. I havent heard of this before but im going to buy a copy right away.
    Gill x

    1. Thank you Gill. I hope you enjoy it if you get it. x

  5. Congrats! How exciting, and the magazine looks like a good one!

  6. Congratulations Lindsay, you must be so excited. I’ve never seen a copy of New books must be time to look it up. Mind you, I’m so immersed in old books I’m not sure I have the time to read too many new ones.

    1. Thanks very much Barbara, yes it was really nice to be included. I think it's mainly by subscription, and in libraries, and in big WHSmiths and Waterstones.

  7. Way to go Lindsay, this is sooo exciting. Plus it has the advantage of reminding me that I really need to re-new my subscription.

    1. Thanks Tracy, it was very exciting! I hope you get to re-new.

  8. Congratulations! It is a wonderful magazine and I'm pleased your blog has been featured in it :-)

    1. Thanks very much Jackie it was lovley to be included. :)

  9. Well how cool is that!! Congratulations :D

  10. Congratulations! I used to have a subscription... I really should renew it :)

    1. Thanks very much. I am enjoying the new format of the mag, hope you get to see a copy. :)

  11. Congratulations! I gave up my subscription when I was jobless a few years ago but I shall seek out a copy.

    1. Thanks very much Jane :) I hope you get to have a look at a new copy, I like what they've done with it.

  12. I also subscribe and have had quite a few reviews published.Its quite a buzz isn't it seeing your review in print!I found your blog through "new books mag".Barbara

    1. Thanks for visiting Barbara and nice to hear you found my blog through there. Yes it is always so lovely to see your words there in print. :)

  13. That is awesome, Lindsay. Congratulations!

  14. Congrats Lindsay that is awesome. You need to frame it!!!

    1. Thanks very much Kimba, I will certainly cherish my copy and maybe buy another...! :)

  15. Congratulations - what an honour! And thanks for the tip about the magazine - sadly, not available over here in France, but for when I return to the UK...

    1. Thanks very much Marina Sofia, yes I was really honoured to have this opportunity, I hope you can see a copy sometime in the UK.

  16. Congratulations, Lindsay! That's great news. I'm very pleased to see your blog featured here :)

    1. Thanks very much Jacqui that's very kind of you. :)

  17. Super fun!! I love when book bloggers get recognition like this. We deserve it!

  18. Congratulations again Lindsay!

    Your blog deserves this recognition as it is so well written, lively and eclectic.

    NewBooks Magazine looks to be really good and worthwhile publication.

  19. Well done Lindsay - a well deserved mention after all the hard work you do with your blog. Thanks for linking to my blog - much appreciated x


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