Book Reviews

‘The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours.’ Alan Bennett

“Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self.” ― Franz Kafka

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Whatever You Love

Every Tuesday Bibliophile by the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where we share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book we are reading or thinking about reading soon.

I'm reading Whatever You Love by Louise Doughty.

These are the opening lines...

'Muscle has memory; the body knows things the mind will not admit. Two police officers were at my door - uniformed, arranged - yet even as the door swung open upon them, which was surely the moment that I knew, even then, my conscious self was seeking other explanations, turning round and round, like a rat in a cage. Muscle memory - not the same thing as instinct of course, but related: pianists know about this, and tap dancers, and anyone who has ever given birth. Even those who have done nothing more than tie their shoelaces know it. The body is quicker than the mind. The body can be trusted.'

What do you think, would you keep reading?


Two police officers knock on Laura's door and her life changes forever. They tell her that her nine-year old daughter Betty has been hit by a car and killed. When justice is slow to arrive, Laura decides to take her own revenge and begins to track down the man responsible.


  1. I've seen this one around a lot lately. I like the intro and totally agree with the author about muscle memory!

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad that the opening rang true to you too.

  2. That's a great opening! I usually shy away from books where a child's death figures prominently, but I'd probably keep reading here in spite of myself.

    1. It is a very sad theme to the novel, and it's all told from the mother's point of view.

  3. I'd keep reading for sure. Enjoy!

    My post:

  4. I would...and I did, a few months ago. Loved it! Those opening lines are great. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I'll read your review of this one as soon as I'm finished Laurel-Rain, thanks for visiting too.

  5. Such a great opening! After reading the synopsis though, I'm not sure--if only because of the subject matter. My heart is already breaking for that poor mother.

    1. Yes I can see that this wouldn't be for everyone, it is sad.

  6. The opening is so vivid, but I'd have to brace myself for what was coming because it sounds intensely emotional.

  7. That's a very good beginning. It made me curous about what's coming next. Then I read the plot line. I'm not sure I can handle this mother's pain.

  8. I'd keep reading. It sounds good.

  9. The beginning grips you and doesn't let go, I want to read more. Kelley at the road goes ever ever on


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