
Monday, 2 December 2013

The Best Books of 2013 - We Love This Book - UK Book Bloggers - Top 10

As we come towards the end of 2013 (what, already? I know..!), it's that time when there's many lists of books of the year appearing everywhere.

If you're looking for some thoughts as to top reads from 2013 - whether it is to see if you have read any of them, or to discover something you might have missed - it's definitely worth having a look at the list put together by We Love This Book.

In their words, they 'asked some of the UK's best book bloggers to tell us which books they loved this year', and they have compiled a top 10.

I was really happy to be asked to put forward my best read of 2013 - click the link below to see what my choice was, and to read the full list. 

We Love This Book 

There are a couple on there I've read and would agree with the high praise, and several others that I need to investigate further!

Are any of your favourites on this list? 

Do any of the books catch your eye?


  1. Some interesting choices here - I haven't read any of them and some are completely new to me. And it's always nice to hear of a few new-to-me bloggers as well!

  2. It is a great idea to compile such a list based on the opinion of bloggers. Some of the books look very good. Of course lists like this remind me how much there is to read and so little time to do it in!

  3. Great list and I agree with Brian that its great the list was compiled by bloggers.

    I've only read one book on the last - Mr Loverman - and whilst I did enjoy it I'm afraid I wouldn't pick it as one of my favourite reads of the year.


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