
Friday, 31 May 2013


Life has taken over a bit this past couple of weeks and due to this and also due to the fact that I haven't been able to get my mind into the right place to write book reviews, I'm conscious that there hasn't been a new post for a few days, so apologies for this. I hope to be back as soon as possible with some new posts! I am fine, I just have a few different things I need to concentrate on at the moment. 

All the best. I'll leave you for now with this beautiful path that we walked on last weekend when we had those couple of warm summer days, pondering where it might lead...


  1. Sometimes one just needs a break! Enjoy your beautiful spring weather.

  2. A lovely path, it makes me want to go for a walk now.

    1. It was beautiful, I hope we will return there later this year. Thanks Sandra. :)

  3. Don't apologise, Lins, sometimes life demands your full attention and other things have to take a back seat for a while. It happens.

    Take care, and hope you have more fun in the sun, following interesting looking paths like the one in your photo. x

    1. Thanks Kath :) It was such a lovely path, and makes me think about starting a story/imagining where it might lead for a character x

    2. Hope you found time to jot down some notes about that, even if you don't have time to write the whole story now. I like paths in stories. :)

  4. Life's like that - always getting in the way of what you'd like to do! Hoping the sun's back for more walks :)

    1. Thanks Maryom. I hope so too. Lovely getting out into the beautiful countryside. :)

  5. Don't apologise! I hope you have been distracted by nice things and look forward to seeing you back to blogging in your own time and at your own pace. Lovely photo, too - let's hope the sun comes back soon!

  6. Thanks for letting us know, its always so upsetting when a blogger seemingly disappears leaving you wondering what has happened to them.

  7. Thank you for the beautiful photo :)
    It seems to be a wonderful walk for summer days.

    I have also been busy with my uni exams, but the good thing is that they finish someday ;)


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