
Saturday, 1 December 2012

German Literature Month November 2012 Wrap up post

I have really enjoyed taking part in German Literature Month 2012. I have managed several posts, but unfortunately I haven't managed to read and review everything that I had hoped to - in particular, I didn't manage any German language reading, which I hope to rectify soon. 

I have also picked up numerous excellent recommendations for future reading from reading many reviews on the other marvellous blogs taking part in the event. 

Thanks very much again to Caroline and Lizzy for hosting and organising it all, and to all the other contributors for their reviews too. 

Here are the links to my posts from the month:

I'd love to take part in something like this again so I'll be keeping an eye out for similar events in the future. It's been great thinking about German Literature again and as I mentioned above, I have discovered so many more works that I'd now like to read through the many posts that people have written as part of this month.


  1. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you'll join us again next year.

    By the way, you do know that #germanlitmonth has become #germanlatemonth - my own wrapup won't appear until next week!

    1. Thanks for commenting Lizzy. I would love to join in again next year if you are running this again. I didn't know it had become #late :) look forward to the rest of the wrapup posts.


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