
Thursday, 8 November 2012

Book Bloggers Event at Simon and Schuster UK

I recently attended an event for book bloggers at Simon & Schuster publishers in London. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet four authors, hear them discuss their work and aspects of writing, and to meet members of the Simon & Schuster team and find out about forthcoming new releases from them.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to the S&S team and the authors for this event and for getting book bloggers involved in this way again.

I personally love listening to authors talking about their work, their writing process, the research involved, and the route to getting published, so this event was wonderful. It is also great to get the opportunity to visit a publishing house and meet some of the staff behind the scenes of all these wonderful books. Further, it was a super opportunity to put faces to names of some of the other book bloggers out there, and to discover some new blogs.

I'd also like to highlight the books by the authors who were present there, and also highlight a few upcoming releases that caught my eye.

Click on any of the titles to find a description and more about the book.

The four authors we met at the event, and their recent/forthcoming releases:

Some of the books coming in 2013 that caught my eye:

Have you heard of any of these? Is there anything here that you think you'd like to read?


  1. I started The Painted Bridge today, was already on my wishlist. Love anything about the history og photography plus I'd recently heard a talk about Victorian asylums which whetted my appetite!

    1. Thanks for commenting Ellie. I hope you enjoy that one as much as I did. I still need to write a review for it actually. I loved how very early photography was brought into the story and linked with possible diagnosis of the asylum patients. Look forward to reading your thoughts on this one.

  2. Lindsay - thank you very much for following Carole's Chatter. Have a lovely week.

  3. Oh lucky you I would love to have the opportunity to attend such an event.

  4. These all looks so good....I really like the looks of THE PAINTED BRIDGE and FEVER.

    THANKS for the post, and thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. I highly recommend The Painted Bridge Elizabeth. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting.

  5. On the basis of the book covers, alone, they all interest me.

  6. Sounds like a great event! The Painted Bridge is already on my wishlist but some of the others look very intriguing too.



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